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About Me

They say the best way to learn something is to teach somebody else.

I’ve started this website as my meagre attempts to learn as much as I can about a topic and then teach you about it. I will add my own perspective where I can, but don’t expect a bloody miracle. Your opinion and feedback is absolutely welcome, as long as you agree with me.

If, miraculously, you found this blog interesting and would like to feature your own brand within – I offer advertising spots on the home page, about me page, contact me form, my chest, my arms, and my butt-cheeks (for a considerable sum).

If, on the other hand, you would like to feature my writing on your website – you will need to buy me a pint and convince me that you are real.

If you wish to get weekly learnings that will change the way you see marketing and life, then sign up here.